
在课程开发过程中, the faculty developer and instructional designers will meet weekly over 12 weeks to design a course according to 质量问题 (QM) Standards using the 质量事项 (you will receive a fully annotated version during the 课程开发 Process). The first 10-weeks of the process are spent developing the course. the instructional designer will review the course in the final two weeks using the 课程评审管理系统(CRMS)) Then the faculty will use the remainder of the two weeks to revise the course as needed to meet QM standards at an 85% level. 参观 ETS质量事宜页面 获取更多关于质量管理的信息.

教师可以提供额外的支持 图书馆联络 大学的 开放教育资源 过程中的图书管理员. They can assist with locating of developing quality low-cost/no-cost course materials to replace or supplement traditional/costly materials.


Flowchart shows 6 steps of course development from faculty expressig desire to course completion.


在2023年,UNA希望开始认可课程 QM至关重要 落款. A QM至关重要s badge means that a course has completed a QM Internal Review that used all of the essential QM Specific Review Standards of the QM Rubric. 如果你的课程是在线课程的一部分, you are also helping your program move toward 质量问题 Program Recognition. 请浏览 ETS质量事务页面 获取更多关于UNA质量管理和内部审查的信息.



The 课程开发协议 网上表格和电子签署是一个程序吗.   You will be asked to login to your UNA account to submit the form and/or complete the signature fields.   一旦您提交了初始表单, you will receive an email asking you to electronically sign the form.  这张表格会被送到你的系主任那里, 副院长, 和ETS主管电子签名.  一旦所有的签名都得到了, you will receive an email notification and an opportunity to download a copy of the signed form.


The faculty developer must complete the K8彩乐园ing the 质量事项 (APPQMR) workshop or the Designing Your Online Course (DYOC) workshop prior to beginning either the New Online 课程开发 (NOCD) or Redesign processes. Faculty must complete all prior developments prior to starting another development process.  We may restrict number of developments per faculty member per academic year.


通过NOCD认证的课程, or Course Redesign process are not eligible to go through the course development process a second time. This includes courses previously developed/ taught online by a different instructor.   如果一门课程从未在网上讲授过, it will be considered as New Online 课程开发 (NOCD).  If a course has been taught online in the past, it will be considered as Course Redesign.  Courses recently taught online may not be eligible for the redesign process. Redesign eligibility is determined by the department chair and dean's office in consultation with ETS.     Courses must contain primarily faculty-developed content (not publisher/3rd-party).  

Priority will be given to courses that are part of new or existing online programs.

How do I participate in the NOCD or Course Redesign Processes?

要启动该流程,请完成 课程开发协议 with faculty, department chair, and dean’ signatures and send to the ETS Director, UNA Box 5005.    


Both processes are 12 weeks with the first 10 weeks used for course development with the final two weeks reserved for the internal 质量问题-based review and revision.   


ETS recommends starting at the beginning of the semester prior to when you expect to teach the course.  You can apply at any time up to twelve weeks prior to the date the course is offered so long as the development occurs during a semester.  然而, acceptance into the process is first-come-first-served and developments may be limited to a certain number for an academic year.


津贴通过EPAF支付.  EPAFS必须在2015年之前处理th of a month in order to be available for the subsequent pay period.   15以后需要办理的津贴th 每月的帐单将在下个月之前处理.  开发新课程的教师将获得2500美元的补偿.  Faculty submitting an existing course for redesign will be compensated $1250.  The initial half of the development stipend will be disbursed when 课程开发协议 is approved by chair/dean and the faculty developer completes an initial meeting with their instructional designer. The remaining stipend will be disbursed when development is completed, 课程达到85%的质量管理标准, and the instructional designer has marked the course as complete.


  1. Initial meeting between faculty developer and instructional designer
    1. Set meeting schedule, 10-week deadline, and 12-week completion date
    2. 制定/评估课程和模块目标
    3. 开始开发课程地图
    4. 开始质量管理内部评审过程
  2. Additional meetings with 教学设计er as scheduled/needed to create the course
  3. 10周时, 这门课应该充分发展, and the instructional designer will conduct an Internal Review of the course
  4. Faculty member revises course as needed to meet QM Standards.
  5. 在12周时,课程应该完成
    1. Faculty Completes Outcome Response form in 课程评审管理系统(CRMS))
    2. 指导设计师通知系主任, dean, 和ETS主任说开发已经完成
  6. Return 课程开发 agreement with final signatures to ETS Director, UNA Box 5005.


The primary focus of your instructional designer is to provide essential support throughout the course development process. 他们协助创建课程和模块目标, 检查目标之间的一致性, 评估, 以及课程材料, 提供建议. They also look at the accessibility of course material and will guide you in making your course accessible to all students. 最后, our 教学设计ers help you deliver the online course experience you envision for your students.


根据第5条.UNA教员手册第1页, "the University requires that all non-traditional courses delivered online, 通过其他技术为基础的教学, 或者通过远程教育等同于传统教育, 以校园为基础的课程描述, 预期, 评估, 学习成果."